I look back on the blog entries that I posted throughout July and August. Then I look at the month of September. It’s not that I have been necessarily slacking…It’s more like I have had a revelation.
I have always had the utmost respect for all the teachers in my life. My friends that teach know how I feel about the amazing work that they do. I have always known that they were amazing. I have seen them work hard, and dedicate much of their time to the profession that they believe in and do so well. I have always had the respect and appreciation for what they do, but it wasn’t until now that I realized how freaking awesome that they really were.
Three weeks ago, about the time the blog took a stand still, I started teaching. I thought I had some idea about the work that teachers put in. Ha! I didn’t have a clue! All I can say is that, those of you in my life that are teachers, you rock my face off!
Don’t get me wrong; I have been loving every minute of it. It has been a blast to see students faces light up when that switch inside their head is flipped and they understand something for the first time. So far most of my experiences have been really positive, but I have learned quickly that my new job is exhausting. I am pretty good until about Thursday, and then I crash. (i.e. I have been asleep by 8:00p.m since I started teaching) I am so weak!
Anyway, we have been making good use of our weekends, and I figured that it was about time I caught you all up. So here it comes… Short n’ sweet! :)
Just as August was finishing up and making it's way into September we had the opportunity to take a train ride. We take train rides all the time, but this was different... this was old school. It was the 80th anniversary of the first railroad line to cross the Carpathian Mountains connecting Moravia, and boosting economic trade between the Czech republic and Slovakia. In celebration, they dusted off some of the trains that have graced this section of rail in the past and carried people across the border, just as they have done for the past 80 years.
We like to hike! The first weekend in September we did just that. With our good friends Cuco, Zorna, and Peter, we made our way through the forest of Bratislava with the beer in our backpacks and the Castle Devin on the mind. After four hours of hiking, our backpacks were a bit lighter and we were at Devin. The thing that really makes this ruin spectacular is its location. Positioned on the confluence of the Danube and Morava river, it really is quite the site. We could not have asked for better company, and this trip was a total success!